Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) document checklist
You must provide documents to support your application for this visa. As part of the visa application process you or your Registered Migration Agent will need to use ImmiAccount. You should provide high quality colour scans of the documents supporting your visa application in ImmiAccount. Documents not in English must be accompanied by accredited English translations. Information to help you prepare your application and guidelines on attaching documents to an online visa application may assist you in lodging a complete visa application. In your visa application you will be asked for information about each member of your family unit even if they do not intend to migrate with you, for example dependent children or a partner. Information about which family members are considered to be 'members of your family unit' for migration purposes is available by referring toincluding family members in your application. Use the following checklist to make sure your application is complete. Lodging a complete application reduces processing times.
Identity and family relationship documents
Travel documents
Biographical pages (photo pages) of the current passport(s) or travel documents of each visa applicant. If your name has changed or the name of anyone included in your application has changed, include evidence of the name change.Birth registration documents
Birth registration documents of each visa applicant, showing the names of both parents. Suitable documents include but are not limited to full birth certificates or family registration books showing both parents’ names. If any child included in the application is adopted, include adoption papers.Marriage and relationship documents
Marriage certificates or relationship registrations for you, your partner, or anyone else included in your application, even if they are not joining you in Australia. If you or anyone included in the application has been widowed, divorced or permanently separated, provide the death certificate, divorce decree absolute, or statutory declaration/separation certificate as applicable.Genuine relationship evidence
If you are married or in a de facto relationship, evidence of a genuine and continuing relationship with your partner to the exclusion of all others. For de facto relationships this should include evidence that you have been in the relationship for at least 12 months at time of application. Evidence can include, but is not limited to, joint bank account statements, billing accounts in joint names, and other evidence of cohabitation.Details of dependent family member aged 18 years or over
For each dependent family member applicant older than 18 years of age, other than your partner, a Form 47A Details of Child or Other Dependent Family Member Aged 18 Years or Over (205KB PDF) with supporting documentary evidence of their dependency and relationship to you. Evidence of dependency may include, but is not limited to employment, financial, residential and academic documentation for each dependent family member.Evidence of parental responsibility/custody
Evidence of parental permission to grant an Australian visa for applicants younger than 18 years of age where one of the child’s parents is not an applicant in this visa application. Evidence when the other parent is alive includes a court custody order or Form 1229 Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years (242KB PDF) with an official identification document displaying the other parent’s signature. If the other parent is deceased, a death certificate or other official documentation. For assistance with the documentation required you can refer to the “Parental responsibility (formerly custody)” section of the information about including family members in your application.Health and Character
You and each “member of your family unit” are required to satisfy health and character requirements. This requirement applies even if that person is not applying for a visa with you. In most cases health and character assessments can be undertaken before your application is lodged.Health requirements
Evidence of each person having undertaken the required health examinations. If you have lodged your application, click on the ‘Organise health examinations’ link in ImmiAccount.Character requirements
Police certificates for each country each person has lived in for a cumulative period of 12 months or more, over the last 10 years, since turning 16 years of age. Military service record or discharge papers for each person who is/has served in the armed forces of any country. Police certificates are also required for the countries of service.Additional Character requirements
Each person who is 18 years or older can complete and attach the following documents. Providing this information with your application can reduce processing times.- Form 80 Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (554KB PDF). Complete all parts of the form.
- Form 1221 Additional personal particulars information (289KB PDF)
- A copy of your curriculum vitae (résumé).
Skills and English language
Unless otherwise stated these requirements must be met at the time you were invited to apply for this visa.Skills assessment
A suitable skills assessment for your nominated occupation. Information is available about Skills assessment and assessing authorities requirements.Evidence of English language ability – Invited applicant
Evidence that at time of invitation you had at least Competent English. If you are relying on English language testing then provide a copy of your test results from aspecified English language test undertaken in the three years immediately before you were invited to apply for this visa.Evidence of English language ability – dependent applicant(s)
Evidence of Functional English for each dependent applicant who is 18 years or older at the time this application is lodged. Evidence of Functional English can be provided up until the time the application is decided. If you will not be providing evidence a dependent applicant has Functional English, you should advise that you will pay the second instalment of the visa application charge. This charge will be requested when required by the processing office.Points Test - requirements for the invited applicant
You must provide evidence to support the claims you are making against each relevant criterion in the Points Test. Unless otherwise stated these requirements must be met at the time you were invited to apply for this visa.Age
Proof of age. This can be the scanned copy of your passport or birth certificate.Superior or Proficient English language ability
A copy of the test results from a specified English language test undertaken in the three years immediately before you were invited to apply for this visa. Cambridge English tests can only be accepted if the test was taken after 1 January 2015.Skilled employment
Evidence of any claimed skilled employment or self-employment in the 10 year period immediately before you were invited to apply, such as:- employment references
- contracts, pay slips, tax returns, group certificates
- evidence that you have been self-employed
- any other documents that you provided to the relevant assessing authority to obtain your skills assessment, including any documents relating to your employment history.
- be written on the official letterhead of the company or government department providing the reference;
- the letterhead should indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone, fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses;
- the name and position of the person authorised to sign the employment reference should be typed or stamped below that person’s signature;
- the contact telephone number of the person writing the reference should be included in the letter;
- the letter should indicate the exact period of employment (including whether permanent or temporary, full or part-time), position(s) held, the duties undertaken and the salary earned - positions should not be described by generic titles (eg. research officer, public servant) but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (eg. research chemist, accounts clerk); and
- a payslip from your current employment should also be included – this is especially important from applicants working in government departments.
Completion of a recognised professional year in Australia
Evidence of completion of a recognised professional year in Australia in the four years immediately before you were invited to apply for this visa. Professional years are provided by:- Australian Computer Society
- CPA Australia
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia
- Institute of Public Accountants (formerly the National Institute of Accountants); or
- Engineers Australia.
Education qualifications
Evidence of any degrees, diplomas, certificates, completion letters and course transcripts and any other documents you provided to the relevant assessing authority that support your education qualification claims.Australian Study requirement
Evidence of qualification(s) satisfying the Australian Study requirement. You are strongly encouraged to read the relevant information about this criterion before claiming points.Specialist Education Qualification
Evidence that you have received a Post Graduate Degree by Research through a course or courses taken for at least two academic years at an Australian educational institution.Study in regional Australia
Evidence of qualifications satisfying the Australian Study requirement while living and studying in regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas:- Evidence of residence covering the relevant period – examples include documents such as rental agreements and gas, power and telephone bills; and
- If your academic transcript does not identify the location of the campus which you attended provide evidence that you studied at a campus located in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area.
Credentialled community language
Evidence of accreditation at the paraprofessional level or above for interpreting or translating by the National Accreditation Authority for Translation and Interpreters (NAATI).Partner skills
Evidence that at the time you were invited to apply for this visa, your partner:- was under 50 years of age; and
- had at least Competent English; and
- had a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated occupation (which must be on the same skilled occupations list as your nominated occupation).
No evidence of nomination is required.